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Cityscapes Community Garden a Growing Success

Cityscapes Community Garden a Growing Success

The first year of the Cityscapes Community Garden is officially complete. More than 39 gardeners used Planx Planters raised beds to grow fresh vegetables. Our community garden is located at our headquarters near Cemetery Rd and 270 in Hilliard, OH, and was open from May 1 to Nov 1.

The feedback Cityscapes received from participating gardeners was extremely positive, and the program is something we plan to bring back for the 2019 growing season.

“I want to thank you, and whoever else got these plots ready,” Pam, one the gardeners, told us. “It was fun, and you guys made it so easy and convenient. I have no idea what prompted the development of these gardens, and making them available to citizens, but I am very appreciative of the venture. Thank you so much for making this happen.”

There were lots of tomatoes, peppers, and other fresh herbs and vegetables grown by gardeners of all skill levels. For most of the gardeners, growing space is limited or non-existent at their apartments and condos.

“It’s important to us to build and cultivate relationships with the people in our community,” said CityScapes CEO Jim Cullinan “We wanted to create an opportunity for people to grow and eat healthy foods, especially when their own space might be limited.”


The garden consisted of rows of 4’ x 8’ Planx Planters raised beds from Cityscapes. We also provided participating gardeners with access to water, soil, and nearby parking. Gardeners were responsible for providing their own tools, plants and seeds, supports, mulch, plant food, and any other gardening materials.

Cityscapes plans to continue this initiative next spring. In fact, gardeners of all skill levels are already signing up. We are looking forward to a continued partnership with the community that fosters a healthy lifestyle through gardening and a diet full of fruits and vegetables.

If you’re in the Hilliard area and you’re thinking about joining us for the 2019 gardening season, email feedback@cityscapeinc.com to receive updates. We look forward to seeing you next season!